I am Nick the Geek and Designs by Nick the Geek is a passion of mine. That is to say I started doing web design because I enjoy it and only started

Genesis Explained Book and More
It has been over 5 and a half years since I started planning the Genesis Explained book. That is a crazy amount of time. So much has happened since then. I started working for Copyblogger/Rainmaker and became a full-time and eventually senior developer for them. I can't tell you how much work I did because it is just difficult to imagine just how … [Read more...]

Efficient plugin design using advanced WordPress hooks – WCDC 2017
I'm being given the opportunity to share on improving plugin design with advanced WordPress hooks at WordCamp 2017. In preparation I am putting together some resources that will be very helpful. Efficient plugin design using advanced WordPress hooks full presentation WCDC Advanced Hooks Version 0.1 - Least Efficient Version 0.2 - … [Read more...]

Genesis Plugins: Building a WordPress Admin Page
Start with a plan He who fails to plan is planning to fail ~Winston Churchill Interesting fact, Google said that Benjamin Franklin may have been the originator on that quote, but don't quote me on that. I also learned recently that Hemingway may have never said, "Write drunk. Edit Sober." For sure he didn't follow that advice. I feel a bit out of … [Read more...]

Genesis Plugins: Your First WordPress Plugin
Life is full of firsts and movies like to make "first" experiences look so good. The movie 50 First Dates has a line where Drew Barrymore's character says, "there is nothing like a first kiss." Princess Diaries has a subplot point that revolves around a first kiss and how it should make your foot "pop." I remember my first kiss and I'm sure most … [Read more...]

Customer Service: Lessons from Failure
Hey folks. I haven't written in a while. I've got a lot I want to write about but not a lot of time. For a couple weeks I've been thinking about what makes good customer service. This is largely based on the absolute worst customer service experiences I've ever had. I expect that this will be entertaining at the very least and hopefully … [Read more...]

Genesis 2.0 HTML5 Conversion
One of the first things I read about Genesis compared it to a car. The Getting Started page at StudioPress has a really cool illustration of that analogy. Basically, WordPress is the engine, Genesis is the frame and body, and the child theme is the paint job. When Genesis Beta 1 dropped I did a conversion on my church Web site and then wrote … [Read more...]

Genesis 2.0 Explained
As a kid I loved going to the pool. Actually I loved water in general. I was raised all over the world including Japan, Guam, and California. This meant I spent a lot of my time at the beach or in pools. Not long after moving to Oklahoma we got to go the to local pool. It was burning hot and I missed the California beaches, but the pool was great. … [Read more...]

Genesis Responsive Header Customizer Update
Get the Genesis Responsive Header plugin Hey folks, finally had some time to do an important update on the Genesis Responsive Header plugin. This update is pretty fresh so be warned, it could have problems, but I've done a good bit of testing with it so far and found it to work well in my tests, but when updating you will have to rebuild your … [Read more...]

Genesis 2.0, HTML5, and Schema Oh My!!!
Hey folks. I have been crazy busy with a bunch of things over at Copyblogger. I have to say, working with them is a real blast and there are so many different projects going that I don't know if I'll ever get bored. One of the big things in the pipe is Genesis 2.0. I'm going to have to make some big changes to my Genesis explained series because … [Read more...]

StudioPress Forum Focus Group
Hey folks, I need a limited number of people to sign up for a focus group on some stuff I'm working on in the StudioPress forums. I have a couple of moderators already but need some others involved. Right now I'm looking for 20 people. I need volunteers from every experience level so the big question is time. I'm not asking for a huge time … [Read more...]
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