Got another Quick Tip for you. Did you notice the Twitter Button in my menu? I have a few custom buttons up by my logo, but the twitter button is special. It using the twitter API instead of just linking you to my Twitter profile. The code for this is in a couple parts. The first part is a html file that handles everything. It is loaded in … [Read more...]

Changing Archive Sorting
Got another quick tip for you. FYI, these quick tips are things I use on my personal sites. Simple and handy tricks. With my Genesis Explained series, and all the sub-series sections, I wanted to change the order of the posts in the archives because it is helpful to read them in the order they were written. First, I chose to use tags instead … [Read more...]

Versioning Your Stylesheet
Hi folks, I haven't written any tutorials for a while, I'm waiting on Genesis 1.8 to finish my Genesis Explained series because there are some changes coming to the admin system that would render most of what I said moot. In the interim, I wanted to get some quick tips out there. Little tricks I use on my site or when developing for … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Admin Menu
As noted in the first article in this sub-series, Genesis Explained Admin, this article will be starting the menu.php file. Also noted there I mentioned that this file sets up the Genesis Menu in the WordPress dashboard, allowing other pages to be added to this menu. There are only two functions here, but I'm going to also explain how to add your … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Admin
First, this summer was great, but very busy, hence the long wait before starting this section. If you haven't been reading along, you should go back to the beginning of the Genesis Explained series, though most of the information you need for understanding the admin side of Genesis will be discussed within this section. Please note, this … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Layout Functions
As promised in my previous post in the Genesis Explained series, I'm going to be going through the genesis/lib/functions/layout.php file today. I intentionally went out of order with this because it is helpful to be familiar with the concept of sidebars and the functions Genesis uses regarding them before trying to understand layouts. There are 9 … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Widgetize Functions
The last post in the Genesis Explained series was about the options functions and demonstrated some very important functions for retrieving custom fields and theme options from the database. This article is all about the genesis/lib/functions/widgetize.php file. There is really only one function you will be using in the theme, but there is some … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Option Functions
In the last post in the Genesis Explained series I explained the image functions for Genesis. In this post I'll be going through the genesis/lib/functions/options.php file. There are technically 7 functions in the file, but one is part of a filter and half the remaining values really just echo the "get" value for you, so it really makes for 3 … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Image Functions
In the previous part of the Genesis Explained series I talked about the formatting functions. Fortunately this subseries doesn't require you to read each of the previous parts, but I would encourage you to read the entire series in order. I mentioned in the previous article that I was going to skip a few files and jump into the … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Formatting Functions
In the previous post of the Genesis Explained series I touched on a few functions after explaining very quickly what was in each of the files in the functions folder. I'm going to come back to the admin.php file and skip deprecated.php and feed.php. You really shouldn't use any functions in deprecated.php and there isn't much use to the feed.php … [Read more...]