In previous parts of the Genesis Explained series I talked about actions and filters, but Genesis is so much more than that. One of the great things about Genesis is all the helper functions. Today I am going to very quickly review them then I dig into detail for each individual function. First, lets look at the files. Just like everything … [Read more...]

Child Theme Tutorial Wish List
I've hinted at this a few times in the Genesis Explained tutorial, but the next series will be on building a child theme start to finish. I'm not starting the series right now, still a few posts in the Genesis Explained Series, but I'm planning the child theme. That is where you come in. Until the Child Theme Creation series is done I will … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Framework Filters with Arrays
In the previous two articles I have attempted to explain filters. Since each article builds on the previous article I recommend catching up on the entire Genesis Explained series, and at the very least the filters sub series. The last article dealt with using filters to change "strings," that is simple text and html phrases. I demonstrated … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Framework Filters
Welcome once again to the Genesis Explained series. Remember, this series builds on previous articles, so if you didn't read the first Filters article, go catch up. All other posts can be found in the Genesis Explained tag archive. In the previous tutorial I went over the basics of how the add/remove filter function works. I said that filters … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Filters
Once again, I encourage anyone joining in the middle of this series to start at the beginning as each article builds on previous information. The tag archive for the Genesis Explained series is conveniently setup to present the articles in the order they were written. This article begins a new sub series focused on the Filters within Genesis. … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Actions Bonus
I was looking through the posts on actions and realized that there was one important tip I left out. If you haven't read up on the actions already, you should probably start at the beginning. To make it easier I have tagged all of the articles with an "Actions" tag, so check out the Actions archive. Now that you know what actions are, how to … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Framework Actions Continued
In the previous part of the series, Framework Actions, I explained where to look for Genesis Actions, and how to remove, move, or alter them using hooks. In this continuation of that article I will be explaining how to work with your own functions, and a couple of really cool tricks with using existing functions in the actions, and Genesis … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Framework Actions
In the first part of this series, Genesis Explained: The Framework, I explained in general how the Framework works, and I showed the contents of a single file to show how the hooks look in the Framework. In the second part, Genesis Explained: Actions, I explained how add/remove actions work, the technical rules around them. This post is … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Actions
In the previous article in this series I explained how Genesis is a framework that is not dissimilar from working with Legos. I listed out all the built in hooks and used the analogy that those are like the bumps that let you attach bricks to each other. If the hooks are those bumps, the actions are the directions on where a brick should go. The … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained: The Genesis Theme Framework
There is a lot of confusion about how Genesis works, and I think that results in more than a little frustration for developers starting work on the framework. In a traditional theme they start by copying key components into new files. For example, they might look for a single.php, page.php or index.php to start customizing single post pages. In … [Read more...]