Hello good folks. If you aren't aware, I just released my Production video theme for Genesis on Wednesday. I'm working hard at selling the theme, but honestly I'm a really crappy salesman. I don't write great headlines, I'm not good ask asking for the sale, and I don't advertise like I should. What I do is write good code. Production and the … [Read more...]

Genesis Explained Admin Class
Genesis 1.8 introduced a whole new admin system. As I was writing the previous articles in the Admin section of the Genesis Explained series I saw that this system was being updated, so I decided to wait on any further articles until Genesis 1.8 came out and settled in. The new admin system is OOP based, which means is makes use of PHP classes … [Read more...]

Production Theme Released
This theme has been a long time coming. If you are not aware, Rafal originally designed this theme nearly a year and a half ago. There were some issues, largely due to limitations in WordPress at the time, so when I asked Brian about building a video theme for the market place a couple months ago, he asked if I thought I could get Production … [Read more...]

New Look on Streamline
A while back Brian Gardner showed me a preview of the new Streamline theme and I absolutely loved it. So much that I started planning a new site the second I saw it. The theme was released yesterday and within hours I had worked on a few minor adjustments, like getting the code for my Genesis Child Theme Matrix and some other features from my site, … [Read more...]

More Production Video Theme Questions and Answers
Yesterday I wrote my first post about the upcoming Production Genesis Child theme, which, to my knowledge, is the first video centric theme to hit the Genesis scene. Over the past few weeks I've been showing this to trusted developers, and eventually to the community via a sign up form. If you haven't signed up for your preview, please fill out … [Read more...]

Coming Soon Production Video Theme
If you follow me on twitter, you have probably seen me tweeting about the video theme I've been working on. I started putting out a few teaser images, then started asking folks to sign up for a preview on twitter. So far 30 of you have signed up for a preview, and feedback has been great. If you haven't' signed up already, take a minute to fill out … [Read more...]

How to Add a Widgeted Area (a.k.a. Sidebar)
One question we get all the time is, "how do you add a new widgeted area to Genesis?" With a little bit of code this can be handled with relative ease. First, this tutorial requires novice to moderate php experience. You will be editing the functions.php file so make sure you have a backup of the file and a way to access your site via FTP, not … [Read more...]

Site Recovery Tips and Tricks
Something bad is happening on your WordPress site. You try to login and have a white screen, or the entire site has been replaced with error messages. You're heart is starting to race. Sweat is beading in your face. How will you fix this? First, calm down. The solution is probably pretty simple. You need to be calm and focused to remember what … [Read more...]

Theme Customization Basic Skills
So, you have a nice new theme with tons of features, but you want to make changes so it will be uniquely yours. You are at a crossroad. Do you hire a developer or do you become a developer? There are risks and benefits for both. A skilled developer will know how to accomplish things you never thought possible, they will transform your site into … [Read more...]

Format text widgets for valid urls
Typically when you copy HTML from other sites with complex URIs in the src or href values, the text widgets won't validate. It is possible to manually update your html, but this can be very tedious, and if you aren't perfect, your code will break. I recently ran into this with a client and started to fix the code, then realized, what if the client … [Read more...]
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