Last weeks new Genesis plugin, Genesis Simple Aweber Form, has beena real hit. So far I released recommended code for the Generate Theme (see original release post) and Streamline 2.0. You will find that the new Decor Theme doesn't need any extra CSS, but I have been getting a lot of requests for some recommended CSS edits for the Balance … [Read more...]

Aweber Box on Streamline
Yesterday I released the beta on a new plugin, Genesis Simple Aweber Form, and included some recommended CSS for the Generate Box used in the Generate Genesis Child theme. I mentioned that I would be working up some recommended CSS for other themes. I tested this in the Decor Genesis Child Theme and it works well out of the box, so I don't have … [Read more...]

Genesis Simple Aweber Form AKA Aweber Box
Download Genesis Simple Aweber Form BETASince the Generate theme came out people have wanted to integrate Aweber forms into the Generate Box. This is NOT an easy task as the Aweber forms tend to have extra fields and HTML markup that simply will not work well with Generate, or any of the other newer child themes that have a really beautiful … [Read more...]